Tracey Miles Chartered Physiotherapists offers a private pessary fitting clinic to support women with pelvic organ prolapse.
50% of women will develop prolapse in their lifetime. There are multiple different types of prolapse:
- Bladder Prolapse: Cystocele is the most common type of pelvic organ prolapse this is when the bladder begins to protrude into the vaginal space
- Womb Prolapse: Uterine prolapse is when the uterus bulges into the vagina
- Bowel Prolapse: Rectocele is when the rectum drops into the vagina
Some women can have all 3 types of prolapse.
Women experience multiple symptoms with prolapse these can include:
- Heaviness of dragging sensation in the vagina
- Physically feeling a bulge inside the vagina
- Painful or discomfort with sex
- Discomfort when wearing a tampon
- Bladder and bowel dysfunction, this may include incontinence.
- Difficulty emptying the bladder or bowel
Department of Health (DoH) states Management of prolapse starts with conservative measures including pelvic floor exercises, specialist pelvic health physiotherapy including bio–feedback before progressing to surgical options (it is recommended that prolapse patients try all types of conservative measures before surgical intervention is considered).
Tracey Miles Chartered Physiotherapists, Tracey and Kelly are both trained to assess and fit vaginal pessaries.
Pessary use is an evidence based non-invasive option to help support your prolapse. The pessary is discreet and is there to support your vaginal tissues and restore the position of your pelvic organs which have dropped.
There are different types of pessaries which can be explored with you should you choose this option of management. The pessary is usually made of plastic or silicone and there are many different shapes and sizes. When fitting your pessary, we take into consideration the type of prolapse, your lifestyle and your sexual activity levels so that we can ensure you are being fitted with the appropriate pessary for you.
Sometimes your vaginal pessary can be left in place for 3-6 months, whilst others can be removed daily or only used when required such as physical activity.
Booking a pessary fitting initial appointment you will require a 90-minute pessary fitting appointment which costs £200 including the cost of the pessary.
This enables us to assess your suitability for pessary: most women need to take local oestrogen for 2 weeks prior to their fitting.
What to expect
Kelly or Tracey need to assess the strength of your pelvic floor and the size of the prolapse at your fitting appointment. A speculum will be used to examine the tissues.
Your pessary options will be discussed with you and the fitting will take place. Once the pessary has been inserted you will be asked to pass urine and then complete some functional tasks (go for a walk, cough, bend over, squat down) to ensure the pessary is the correct fit for you.
If you choose to self-manage your pessary you will be shown how to remove, care for and insert the pessary as required. This appointment provides plenty of time to ensure you are happy and comfortable before leaving the clinic.
If you choose to have a permanent pessary you will be booked for a pessary review / change within three or six months.
If you have questions or would like to know more about Pessary Fitting for pelvic organ prolapse, then please don't hesitate to contact us for more information